A Fun Framed & Glazed Cut Cloth Dean's Rag Book Betty Blue Doll's Head
Origin: British
Period: Early Twentieth Century
Provenance: Unknown
Date: c.1910-20 (the cloth)
Height: 9.25 inches
Width: 9.25 inches
Diameter: 5.9 inches (the cloth)
A textile doll`s head, cut from the full body, originally made to produce rag doll Betty Blue, now framed and glazed with circular inset border.
Dean's was a British Publisher's set up in the Victorian era to manufacture Children's books. They developed the rag book for babies and by the 1920s took the idea from the USA to create cloth dolls and toys that could be made from a cloth printed sheet.
Framed, this makes for an original and unusual gift for lovers of antique dolls or textiles.