Game of Thrones; D&H lending a hand...
Now season 6 of the superb Game of Thrones has drawn to a dramatic close we thought it worthwhile to show some stills that showcase a set of eight late 17thC/early 18thC Spanish walnut armada chairs provided by us to the production that were used throughout season 6 in the heart of Winterfell; used first by the devious House Bolton, and then taken back rightfully in the last episode by Jon Snow and Sansa Stark. The chairs are abundant in character and patina, with the leather original and the large studwork, now so recognisable in the set design. Described by us as 'a line up of colourful war criminals of the same family, with the scars of battle' which in the end was a very apt description indeed considering!...

...We still have one chair in stock that is of the exact same period and origin as the chairs used in the series so if you want to be master of your own Winterfell here's your chance; Spanish Walnut Baroque Side Chair