A Victorian Figured Walnut Writing Slope Box with Brass Inlay
Origin: English
Period: Victorian
Provenance: Unknown
Date: c.1870
Height: 5.5 inches
Depth: 8.25 inches
Width: 12 inches
Well proportioned, having brass blank cartouche ready for personalisation if desired, and brass escutcheon, with original ink well and working lock with key. The box has recently been fitted with a new tooled leather writing surface. Both sides of the leather surface open to compartments for storing stationery and there is also a removable pen tray present.
Perfect for penning letters to loved ones; writing slopes such as these were an essential part of English nineteenth-century life. Constantly in use, and small enough to be portable (especially in this case), they were the principal instruments of communication before the advent of telephones and computers.
A nice, perhaps simpler example, begging to be personalised, and of course perfect for those who still appreciate the hand-written word.